January 9, 2022
Taking Christmas down is always sad for me. Part of that is because it goes up so late for us. (Vocational impediments.) This year, it was just the two of us, and I was a fairly fussy about not having a tree. My husband was utterly reasonable in his pondering that we skip it this year, particularly as no one was visiting. And then, my dear knight in shining armor was utterly chivalric when my response to that pondering was over the top. He rode his trusty steed right out and brought home a bare flocked tree, beautifully suited to the space. We somehow had two strings of fairy lights awaiting the perfect home—and we stopped there. Apparently, (with loving understanding on Shannon’s part,) we have achieved a high level of compromising after 28 years together.
Christmas may come down, but this little tree will stand in for the star all through Epiphany. We need extra light in these darkest days. And the Crèche has a few more days. The Kings missed their camel and arrived quite late. (More vocational challenges. They were actually stuck atop the door jam—en route, but not manger-side.) And the lovely large wreath we brought to help the neighbor children's dance team has remained remarkably fresh. It is plain, and so it will remain to cheer us-- as long as it behaves.
But I have a new theory about taking Christmas down. We just need to help each other. A slight request at the Peace this morning meant that everyone stayed—even newcomers and returning first-timers. I think everything (except the tallest items awaiting expert help) was dispatched with grace and cheer in about seven minutes. These Kings had made it to the manger; apparently their camels had tail winds. They were actually in place last Wednesday, and admired throughout today's services. But they are now in the Sacristy, ready to be carefully wrapped for another year. It takes so many hands to do this work, and I am so grateful for our beautiful church in this season.
With a smile of gladness for a wonderful Christmas, I know that Chessie has the right idea. You cannot go wrong with a nap.