
Showing posts from April, 2008

Fell off the earth!

Well, not really. But I have been pretty busy for the last little bit and will be pretty busy again for at least another week. I wanted to write a word about Happening though. For those of you who do not know, it is an intense retreat weekend for 10-12th graders. I got to be the clergy and it was my first Healing service and my first Reconciliation services too--albeit altered for the setting! It was amazing and inspiring and although I got no sleep and am just dopey, I am also flying high on the way it felt to be a priest among all of those fabulous young people. I finished thinking, "THIS is why I am a priest!" I got to preside at the closing too, in our Cathedral there at the top of the mountain. It is about 3-4 stories tall and the altar sits in front of a full height glass window with a built in cross as part of the framing. It was raining softly and the fresh new greens were just beginning to be evident. The red bud trees were blooming all the way down the hill. It was