Children's sermon Easter Sunday
A change of pace from the sermon at Vigil for those who are interested! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Easter Sunday St. Mark’s Hazard March 23, 2008 Children’s Sermon [Alexa, 8; Megan, 8; Bella, 5; Blake,4] I want to tell you a dog story, this Easter. One day, I was driving, (I am ALWAYS driving!!) and I was going up a hill. On the other side of the road, coming down toward be was a big white truck, going very fast. Standing right in the path of the truck was a puppy. {Big eyes here!!} So I checked in my rearview mirror, and pulled over. I opened my door and called him and he landed right in my lap! So what was I supposed to do! Of course, I took him home. Mr. Shannon was VERY PATIENT. But he did not think we could keep him. We tried to take him to the shelters; they would not take him. They all said I was not in their county, although I knew where I was!! So he has stayed with us for a while. But we could not figure out his name. We...