With grateful thanks to two wonderful colleagues (cited) who may never know how much they helped me today! Sermon for the 5th Sunday in Lent April 3, 2022 Our Saviour + You are the love of each living creature, O God. You are the warmth of the rising sun You are the whiteness of the moon at night You are the life of the growing earth You are the strength of the waves at sea. Speak to me this night, O God Speak to me your truth. Dwell with me this night, O God Dwell with me in love. (J. Philip Newell, Celtic Prayers of Iona, 42) These words of J. Philip Newell remind us that all that we are, and all that we have is of God. It is all too easy for us to dismiss that at times. But on this night, Mary could not dismiss it. Jesus had come for dinner. Those gathered were still trembling because Lazarus had joined them at the table, and were also likely aware of the dangerous currents sweeping them along. My friend Marshall writes, “Just offstage, John...
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