Upon hearing that I had been blessed to find a job at the Cathedral, someone mentioned that I had "certainly paid my dues." By this they meant that I had been banished to the mountains for three years and had now arrived in Civilization. I was quick to disagree. As grateful as I am for my present circumstances, and as excited as I am to begin a new ministry, I know in my heart that my first years of ministry were also blessed, and very educational. I fell in love with the people, the communities and the small churches. I am still close to and supportive of the team that now serves those churches. (YOU GUYS ROCK!!) And I will carry the love of the small church members for me, and my love for them, in my heart always. Ministry feeds the people of God in any location where hearts are open. Nothing more and nothing less. We do not own it or have the market on it in any one spot. Grand-dog Macey agrees with me-about ministry but probably not about food.