I have been thinking a lot about Facebook. I love being able to keep up with my very busy seminary friends. I miss them very much and love to know what is going on in their lives without bothering them. It helps me miss our friendships a bit less. But it is not a real relationship, and for me I am thinking the drawbacks are more obvious. For one thing, communication is reduced to an elementary-aged emotionalism. People get mad if you post things about them (and sometimes they should? What were you thinking?) Feelings are hurt if a friend request is sent and not answered. How do you "un-befriend" someone if you have second thoughts? How can you slip online to check on your friends and yet not LOOK like you are online so that when people who are really acquaintances (How did Facebook send to people I did not check on the list?) jump into your screen wanting to chat? Some I love chatting with but I am too low tech to choose! And of course, sometimes it is just the timing and my ...