Christmas Gift!
Wow- what a whirlwind! The service at St. Mark's was so sweet, even if the music did not work out as planned--that there was any at all is a tribute to Markie's heroic efforts and his rendering of Go Tell it on the Mountain was a real highlight! My first Children's service was so wonderful--the children made it so! There will always be smiles as I think of Alexa and Megan's earnest responses to the questions and Blake's shining eyes as he opened his hand to show me that he still had the Baby Jesus sequestered there. As a best gift, I got a hug from him--my first! I hope not my last. Christmas Eucharist was special too, thanks to the fresh bread that Mary Jane provided. All of her love added in was so touching. Graff and Shannon were wonderful as Crucifer and Server, and Granny Lee sang "I wonder as I wander" in her wonderful way. There were things I would have wished to be different, but the important pieces were in place I think. Then home and a few days ...